Current Issue

PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic is a journal published by Research and Community Service Center (LPPM) of Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi. This journal was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from computer science and informatics research. This journal was published for the first time in 2013 with two numbers annually and available online since 2018. PIKSEL status is accredited by the directorate general of research strengthening and development no. 28/E/KPT/2019 with Indonesian Scientific Index (SINTA) journal-level of S5, starting from volume 6(1) 2018 to volume 10(1) 2022. PIKSEL status is accredited by the directorate general of research strengthening and development no. 225/E/KPT/2022 date 7 December 2022 with Indonesian Scientific Index (SINTA) journal-level of S3, starting from volume 10(1) 2022 to volume 14(2) 2026. The topics in the PIKSEL journal are computer science, embedded system, software engineering, information system, computer network, digital image processing, artificial and computational intelligence, and machine learning. p-ISSN: 2303-3304, e-ISSN: 2620-3553.
Enhancing Human Capital Management through DevOps Practices
Ship Trajectory Extraction Using Python Vessel Tracking Interpolation Method
Classification of Social Assistance Recipients Using Machine Learning
Eligibility Recipients Determination of El-Nino Direct Cash Aid Using C4.5 Algorithm
Recommendation for Self-Help Housing Stimulus Assistance (BSPS) Recipient Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods
Leveraging Personal Extreme Programming for Developing an Online Registration System
Predicting Student Graduation Grades Using the C4.5 Algorithm: An Implementation Study
Android-Based Expert Diagnosis System of Children’s Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders Using Forward Chaining Method
Security Audit of The Public Sector Application Using COBIT 5 and ITIL V4 Framework
Web-Based Assessment System for Graduate Learning Achievements in Outcome-Based Education
Website Security Analysis of SIDESPIN Application Using Vulnerability Scanning Techniques
Cloud-Based Financial Reporting System Design for Micro Enterprises in Indonesia
Naive Bayes Algorithm and TF-IDF for Detecting Plagiarism in Journal Articles
Image Identification System for Beef and Pork Using a Convolutional Neural Network
IoT-Based Medical Health Monitoring System with a Web Interface
Monitoring and Information System for Automatic Clothes Drying Based on the Internet of Things
Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Measurement for Hypertension Classification Using the K-Nearest Neighbors Method Based on IoT
Smart Dispenser Using Voice Recognition as an Assistive Device for the Visually Impaired with a Second-Order IIR Filter Algorithm
Vehicle Class Prediction at Toll Gate Using Deep Learning
Comparison of Apriori and FP-Growth Algorithms in Analyzing Association Rules
Designing a Service Provision Website Using the Design Thinking Method
Analyzing Land Suitability for Housing in Bekasi Regency: Managing Farmland Conversion During Urban Growth
Comparison of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Doc2Vec Algorithms of Thesis Similarity Detection
Traffic Congestion Detection Using YOLOv8 Algorithm With CCTV Data
A Comparative Analysis of MultinomialNB, SVM, and BERT on Garuda Indonesia Twitter Sentiment
Information System for Data Collection on Building Tools and Materials Using the Rational Unified Process (RUP) Method
Implementation of the Framework for the Application System Thinking (FAST) Method on the Management Information System of the Al-Ittihad Mosque
Android-Based E-commerce Design for Ceramic Sales at Material Stores Using the Up-Selling Method
Classification of Traffic Violations Using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm at Padang City Police
Journal Name | PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic |
ISSN | 2303-3304 (print), 2620-3553 (online) |
DOI | prefix: 10.33558 |
Publisher | Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Islam 45 |
Publication Schedule | March and September |
Website | http://jurnal.unismabekasi.ac.id/index.php/piksel |