Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines
General Author Guidelines

  1. The Manuscript should be written in Indonesian or English and have never been published or is not in the process of submission for publication to other media and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
  2. The Manuscript may take the form of research, case studies, or literary studies.
  3. The author should register as an author. The guides to register and submit the paper is shown at the end of this page.
  4. The Manuscript will be published in Motion: Jurnal Riset Physical Education after being reviewed by peer-reviewers.
  5. The Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines and Template. The manuscript template can be downloaded here.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Structure of the manuscripts

  1. Title; Title of the article that presents the entire content of the article (left, Bold, 16pt)
  2. Abstract; Abstract must be written in two versions (Eng and Ind) and following this format. The abstract consists of background, purpose, method and result of the program. The words are no more than 200 words in Arial style with 8 font size, single spacing, italicized in a single paragraph.
  3. Introduction; The introduction leads the reader to the main topic. The background or introduction answers why the research or study is carried out (urgency of research), what previous researchers have done or current scientific articles are developing, the novelty of the research (novelty), what is the purpose of writing this article, and what contributions can be made to these findings. [Times New Roman 11pt, justified, 1.5 spaces]
  4. Methods; Writing research methods contains research design, place and time, population and sample, sampling techniques, data measurement techniques, and data analysis. It is better to use passive sentences and narrative sentences, not command sentences. [Times New Roman 11pt, justified, 1.5 spaces]
  5. Results and Discussion; In writing the results, only write the results of the research which contains data obtained in research or field observations along with the interpretation of data analysis. This section is described without providing discussion, write it in logical sentences. Results can be in the form of tables, text, or images. Discussion is the most important part of the entire content of scientific articles. The discussion aims to answer the research problem or show how the research objectives were achieved and interpret/analyze the research results. Start by presenting the findings. Then relate them to theory and previous research, whether the findings strengthen or correct existing findings/theories. Emphasize aspects that are new and important. Discuss what is written in the research results, but do not repeat the research results. Include a discussion of the impact of the research and its limitations. [Times New Roman, 11]
  6. Conclusion; The conclusion section contains the achievements of the research activities in relation to the objectives and targets of the activities in the form of a digest of the results of the discussion. The conclusion is presented in paragraph form. [Times New Roman, 11].
  7. Acknowledgments (If required); Acknowledgments can be made to the research grantee (if the research is funded by a grant). [Times New Roman, 11].
  8. REFERENCES; The reference list contains at least 10 references from primary data (sources from research articles in scientific journals and in the form of books) and other data sources (research reports, news in newspapers, etc.) arranged alphabetically. The reference list uses APA7th Edition standardsand must use Mendeley reference management [Times New Roman 11pt].