Analyzing Shoutcaster Rhetoric in Esports Games
Esports, Rhetoric, ShoutcasterAbstract
Shoutcaster is one of professions created to supply the growing demand of esports or electronic sports. Against this backdrop, a shoutcaster is responsible for giving comments in esports matches. Thus, the ability to provide rhetorical comments becomes very important for the shoutcasters. The current study discusses the rhetoric of the shoutcasters in the Upoint Esports Angels Series (UEAS) season 2 grand final. The current study would analyze the rhetorical style of the shoutcasters according to Aristoteles’ rhetoric theory. This research would use a descriptive qualitative research design to analyze a video from UEAS Youtube channel. Then, the present study would analyze how three shoutcasters carry out the event. The results of the current study show that all shoutcasters use all elements in Aristoteles’s rhetoric theory (ethos, pathos and logos) to present the event. The present study conclude that those elements are crucial for shoutcasters in order to make them look credible for the audience.
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