
  • Purnama Putra Universitas Islam 45
  • Hasan Basri Universitas Islam 45
  • Siti Nurhidayah Universitas Islam 45
  • Ummi Khoiriyah Universitas Islam 45
  • Dian Desty Widyowati Universitas Islam 45
  • Puput Putrianika Universitas Islam 45



Bibliometric, Training, Research


Bibliometriks is a method of quantitatively analyzing scientific literature to identify publication patterns, authors, and keywords relevant to a field of research. The VOSviewer tool helps in mapping collaboration networks, identifying research trends, and evaluating the impact of scientific work. Analysis of problems related to bibliometrik analysis studies has never been maximized by lecturers and students of Universitas Islam 45. This problem is due to the lack of information, understanding, and clinical skills about analysis applications using VOSviewer. The service method applies the method of training and community assistance through the delivery of question and answer material and discussion as well as implementation practices with assistance. The results of the bibliometrik training service are increased knowledge, motivation and research interest of lecturers and students in competing and interacting with other research at the global and even international levels. Bibliometrik training can also inspire new research ideas and encourage collaboration between researchers. Bibliometrik training equipped with attractive visualizations can contribute to improving the quality of research and strengthening the position of Universitas Islam 45 as an active institution in producing quality scientific work.


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Gozali, M., Saputra, M. A., Dewi, N. D. T., & Budianto, E. W. H. (2023). Pemetaan Penelitian Seputar Variabel Determinan Return on Equity (Roe) Pada Perbankan Syariah: Studi Bibliometrik Vosviewer Dan Literature Review. IDEI: Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis, 4(1), 34–47.

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Hidayati, I. N., & Rahmah, M. (2023). Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Genre Based Approach Dalam Pengajaran Menulis Teks Iklan (Advertisement) Melalui Lesson Study. DEVOSI, 4(1), 61–70.

Jonaedi Efendi, S., Johnny Ibrahim, S., & Se, M. (2018). Metode Penelitian Hukum: Normatif dan Empiris. Prenada Media.

Manoj Kumar L., George, R. J., & P.S., A. (2023). Bibliometric Analysis for Medical Research. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 45(3), 277–282.

Nurhidayah, S., Basri, H., Putrianika, P., & Widyowati, D. D. (2024). Sinergitas Dan Kolaborasi Terhadap Pembangunan Desa Melalui Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata Di Kabupaten Bekasi. DEVOSI, 5(1), 36–46.

Pisuko Herawati, S. B., & Karlina, N. (2022). Analisis Bibliometrik: Perkembangan Penelitian Dan Publikasi Mengenai Koordinasi Program Menggunakan Vosviewer. Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 9(1), 1–8.

Putra, P. (2023). Link And Match Strategy of Islamic Banking Vocational High School Human Resources with the Islamic Banking Industry. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 9(2), 2275–2283.

Putra, P., Sucipto, P. W. A., Kusuma, A. W., & Hamidah, I. (2022). CERKAS System Development: Smart Web-Based Sharia Accounting as a Learning Media. JRAK: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, 13(1), 84–98.

Rosari, M. D. (2024). Pelatihan “How To Write A Winning Scholarship Essay” Di Smak Tunas Bangsa Lippo Cikarang. DEVOSI, 5(1), 57–70.

Rusydiana, A. S., Irfany, M. I., As-Salafiyah, A., & Tieman, M. (2023). Halal supply chain: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(12), 3009–3032.

Sulistiyanto, M., Nurhidayah, S., Basri, H., Khoiriyah, U., Putrianika, P., Widyowati, D. D., & Zhafiraah, N. R. (2023). Increasing Student Competency Through Catia V5 Software Training. Entrepreneurship and Community Development, 1(2), 82–89.

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Yu, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Gu, Z., Zhong, H., Zha, Q., Yang, L., Zhu, C., & Chen, E. (2020). A bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer of publications on COVID-19. Annals of Translational Medicine, 8(13).




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